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Jounetsu wa Arashi no Atode
Status Completed
Views 791

Jounetsu wa Arashi no Atode

From fictiondb: It was cold in the tropics.... What's more, it appeared to get colder each time Conrad DeVere looked Emma Belle's way. The inclination was shared. Emma thought Conrad was the most unlikable man she'd at any point met. Conrad saw Emma as a conspiring gold digger- - a lady who expected to involve her situation as scientist to Alistair Jackson to part the old tycoon from his cash. Emma was ready to live with Conrad's freezing scorn - he should never realize the genuine explanation she'd come to Tobago. However, she wasn't ready for the surge of desire that struck her when she learned of Conrad's engagement!
Released 2 years ago
Posted On 2 years ago
Updated On a year ago
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Chapter Jounetsu wa Arashi no Atode


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