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Juujika No Rokunin
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Juujika No Rokunin

"Is it OK to kill individuals?" A slippery vengeance anticipation by Shiryu Nakatake, a novice to Bessatsu Shonen Magazine. "Avoid, assuming somebody is changed over, let him proceed to sit idle. He ought to be allowed an opportunity to be reawakened." "Granddad, I really want to believe that he doesn't resurrect himself." To overcome a few non-human beasts, the kid likewise became something non-human. Shin Uruma, a 6th grade understudy, was named "Test body: A" by five of his colleagues and was seriously harassed and lived in damnation. His main harmony was with his sibling, who cherished him, and his folks, who safeguarded him.... . until the five beasts killed his loved ones. Whenever he at long last loses all that and faces genuine heck, a dull "wish" is brought into the world inside Shun. He was renewed under the preparation of his granddad, who served in a mysterious unit during WWII. Presently, after four years, he shows up before his destined foe. "I won't allow ANYONE to hinder my revenge."
Released 2 years ago
Posted On 2 years ago
Updated On 4 months ago
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